

2014 – present  |  Fine Art & Design in Education,
ArtEZ Arnhem 

2013 - 2014  |  External Education Fine Arts Kunstencentrum Venlo,
Automatic admission for the Maastricht Academy of Fine Arts and Design,


2017-2018  |  Coordinator Side Program, 'Once in a Blue Moon', Finals ArtEZ Arnhem

09/2017 – 03/2018  |  Intern Production & Education, Nieuw Dakota, Amsterdam.
Making workshops, assisting and producing for exhibitions.

01/2017  |  Substitute Teacher, Het Valuascollege, Venlo, 
Teaching Arts. 
HAVO-VWO 1 & 2

09/2016 – 01/2017  |  Teaching internship, Het Valuascollege, Venlo,
Teaching arts and history of art. developed my own teaching programs. 
HAVO 5 / VWO 3 & 4 

09/2016 – 01/2017  |   Multidisciplinary Internship, Kunstbedrijf Arnhem, 
Making an art project with residents of Klarendal Arnhem in association with a student of 
Dance in Education and a student of Theatre in Education.

04/2016  |  Art education project, OVER VIEW, Willem II Fabriek in ’s-Hertogenbosch, The 
research and development of educational material for the video art exhibiton OVER VIEW. 

02/2015 – 04/2016  |  Teaching internship, Het Liemerscollege Zevenaar, location Zonegge, 
Teaching arts and developed my own teaching programs.
VMBO 1 & 2

05/2015  |  Preschool Project, OBS De Klimboom, Heteren & OBS De Kameleon, Driel, 
Art project with children in the age category: 4-6 years old.

11/2014 – 01/2015  |  Oriëntation Internship , Stedelijke Scholengemeenschap Nijmegen, 
Teaching arts
VMBO-HAVO 1 & 2 (Jenaplan)


08/2016  |  Developing PR materials for Theater de Garage, Venlo.
Theatre Perfomance: ‘Bonvena’

06/2015  |  Created an artwork in the municipality of Peel & Maas, Panningen, for the council hall 
of the new town hall.


UPCOMING: 04/07/2018 - 08/07/2018  |  Exhibition Once in a Blue Moon, Finals 'Liberty' ArtEZ Arnhem

15/04/2017 – 17/05/2017  |  Exhibition Oost-West, Museum Bronbeek, Arnhem

2017  |  Project Oost-West, Museum Bronbeek, Arnhem

16/06/2016  |   Exhibition Oorzaak & Gevolg, Arnhem

2016  |   Project Oorzaak & Gevolg, Arnhem

19/04/2014 – 20/04/2014  |  Exhibiton This Side Up, External Education program Kunstencentrum, 
Museum van Bommel van Dam, Venlo

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